Can ChatGPT Cast a Netflix Show for Mexico?

ChatGPT doesn’t know how to balance popularity, genre, age as well as a human, but with the right prompts it can come close.


Attempt 1

Our first attempt was to just ask ChatGPT to cast a Mexican Netflix thriller series . It ended up suggesting two actors who are ͏big in the US, but one, Ana de Armas is not Mexican. It helpfully provided what these actors are known for, but this ͏is not close to how we would cast a typical genre series.

Attempt 2

The ͏second time time we ͏tried to focus on audience response and asked Chat GPT to generate Mexican͏ actors that, if cast in ͏a thriller series, would get people to watch. However, again, it auto-focused on ͏a US audience, and interestingly picked another male lead from Y Tu Mama Tambien.

Attempt 3

This time we were more specific and asked for two Mexican actors in ͏th͏eir 30s wit͏h strong social followings in Mexico. It managed to pick out two actors known in͏ part for Netfli͏x hits and big stars, though Luis Gerardo Mendez is known far more͏ for his comedy than in ͏thrillers.


We were able to get ChatGPT to cas͏t a thriller series for its ͏two leads,͏ somewhat passably, but in order to get a solid answer we needed to ͏overcome its bias for US content.


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